We are located at:

62 Wall St. Asheville NC

Our commitment for the space and project is ecological empowerment, uplifting Native Artists and communities, beauty, cultural thrival and human togetherness.

We are weaving a rainbow of cultural and ecological diversity through deeply respectful friendships and cultural sharing rooted in fairness, listening and empowerment.

Spring Hours:

Tuesday 11am-5pm

Wednesday 11am-5pm

Thursday 11am-5pm

Friday 11am-7pm

Saturday 11am-7pm

Sunday 11am-5pm

Hours Also Available by Appointment



Dance & Celebrate with Good Vibes

Music is the heartbeat of so many cultures! We want to share a space where this diversity can be heard and celebrated with joy.


Educate & Create to Connect

Weaving Rainbows is a center for cultural and informational exchange. We welcome co-creation in our space to elevate consciousness.

Who We Are

We uplift and share Native Art through our Beyond Fair Trade partnerships with traditional artists for the preservation of culture, life-ways and ecosystems. 

We are a Beyond Fair Trade- Social Impact non-profit that partners with Native Artisans in reciprocal service to the preservation of biodiversity and cultural preservation of language, art, agriculture and traditional life ways. 

We are both a Community Art Gallery and a store that shares art and grows cross-cultural understanding through the sharing of art and rainbow-bridge weaving pilgrimages to meet the artisans in their villages and learn to create the crafts first hand. 

  • Yes everything featured in our Native Art Gallery is also for sale. At the heart of our project are weavers, and we center handspun, naturally dyed and hand woven weavings and clothing like floor rugs, altar clothes, scarves, huipils (ponchos) purses and handbags, belts, hats, children’s clothes, men's ceremonial shirts, hat bands, and dresses. 

    We share beadwork jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets) from the Wixárika Nation in Mexico. Also we have Wixárika sculptural beadwork on display: bull skulls, jaguar heads. 

    Rainbow Spirit Animals carved from Copal wood and painted with detailed Sacred Geometry known as Alebrijes from Oaxaca have a strong presence in the space. 

    We share ceremonial cacao from Women's Cooperatives in Lago Atitlan Guatemala. Woven throw pillows from various nations, sandalwood carvings from traditional Baliensian carvers. Silk batiks and silversmith precious stone necklaces, rings, and earrings from Bali. 

    We also feature local a few local to Asheville Artists, Arulu with her masks, scultures and clothing. Spero a local visionary painter and Clay Savely with his botanical mandala pottery. 

  • We are weaving a new story together. We choose to value cultural and ecological diversity through the sharing of traditional art in support of native language and life ways and protection of ecologically rich native homelands. 

    Heartfelt gratitude to all the inspiring Native Artists whose visionary children dance in Weaving Rainbows: Native Art Gallery on 62 Wall St. Asheville, NC. 

    It’s an honor for this gallery to collaborate with with such devoted cultural stewards and artists. Thank you to the cultural top soil  that grew this art and these peoples in connection to the Earth for thousands of years. 

    We believe that cognitive diversity is what preserves biodiversity. As we know most of the worlds biodiversity hotspots are stewarded (and have been for hundreds of generations) by Native Peoples. Native lifeways and ways of understanding are what have and continue to protect life on Earth. 

    When you support Native Artists and traditional communities through Beyond Fair Trade practices and purchasing of masterful artwork you are also supporting a life way, seed savers, language preservers, stories, soil health, intact forests and protected lands. 

    Our space hosts Cacao Ceremonies, Elemental Dance, Native Wisdom Keepers, Concerts, Film Nights, drum classes and more! See our events.

  • Weaving Rainbows partners with communities and Native Artists


    Zapotec Nation in Teotitlán de Valle, Oaxaca Mexico

    Zapotec Nation in Arrazola, Oaxaca Mexico 

    Wixarika/Huichol Nation from Wirakuta, Mexico 

    Tzutu’jil Nation in Lago Atitlán Guatemala 

    Quechua Nation in Sacred Valley Peru

    Shipibo Nation in the Amazon Peru

    Cherokee Nation in Cherokee North Carolina

    We also feature several local Asheville artists. 

We believe that cognitive diversity is what preserves biodiversity. As we know most of the worlds biodiversity hotspots are stewarded (and have been for hundreds of generations) by Native Peoples. Native lifeways and ways of understanding are what have and continue to protect life on Earth. 

When you support Native Artists and traditional communities through Beyond Fair Trade practices and purchasing of masterful artwork you are also supporting a life way, seed savers, language preservers, stories, soil health, intact forests and protected lands. 

Make the World More Beautiful

Weaving Rainbows exists as a pathway for cultural thirval and survival for first nation, native artisan communities.

Often the traditional artisans are also the cultural keepers of seeds, stories, lands and lifeways,

when we support the artisans we uplift cognitive and biological diversity.

First Nation peoples are the reason we still have biodiversity hotspots on the planet and their ways of living and understanding are crucial to how we will protect and grow biodiversity and the health of humanities thinking and living..

Support Growing Cultural Top Soil Here in Appalachia

Our programs bring ceremonial beauty for the health of the wild soul and the planet. The rights and well-being of girls, women and the feminine are central to our vision and actions, as we share skills for empowerment and create a space to heal from destructive societal constructs that hurt girls and women.

We are creating the nourishing and honoring culture we deserve. Ours is a place for sharing skills that create resiliency, connection, and natural meaning and joy.  Earth Path offers people a space to play and grow naturally, filling their spirits with a loving connection to the natural world. We are deepening relationships with self, community and Earth, in a world that pulls to distract us from what's most important.

Earth Path Education calls forth your soul's true gifts and grows healthy culture in connective relationship with the natural world.